

Need to return a product? No problem. Just follow the simple steps below!

  • Click here to log your return.
  • Drop your return at the most convenient drop off point.
  • We aim to review all returns within 14 days of receiving the parcel.
  • Returns are charged at €2.95 and this will be deducted from any refund processed. If your order was delivered late, you won't be charged for your return.
  • Our returns period is 28 days. Unfortunately, we can't accept returns after this time.
  • Please note we will not refund your original shipping charge unless you are returning your order due to a late delivery.
  • If your return contains helium, email us at customercare@partydelights.ie so we can discuss how to return this item (please note, we only accept helium returns in certain circumstances). 

Need to return a product? No problem. Just follow the simple steps below!

  • If you have an account, log in, go to 'Orders' and select the order you want to return. We'll guide you through the process from there.
  • Once you have submitted your return request, it will be reviewed and once approved, you will receive a returns label via email.
  • We aim to review all requests within 5 days.
  • If you don't have an account, you can submit a guest return through our orders and returns portal
  Where is my order?
  How do I return something to you from Ireland?
  Have you received my returned items?
  How do I cancel my order?

Returns FAQs

Returns FAQs

If you'd like to return your products, we will only accept items in a resalable condition, unless your items were faulty when you received them. By this, we mean that the item has to be in its original packaging with no signs of wear or damage.

We don't accept returns on confectionary, personalised products, helium canisters, pre-inflated balloons, pre-filled party bags, underwear, hosiery or wigs. Fancy dress costumes that include a wig can be returned, as long as the wig is unworn and the packaging seal is unbroken. Thanks for understanding!

The returns process usually takes up to 14 working days from the date you sent the package to us processing the return - this can be a little longer during busy seasonal periods, such as Halloween and Christmas. 

Any refund that you are due will be automatically issued to your chosen payment method when you purchased the item and depending on your payment method issuer, this can take around 5 working days.

Need to get in touch?